Study reveals effect of homework on student achievement in math and science

math homework

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Researchers at Maynooth University’s Hamilton Center and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in Ireland have revealed important findings about the role of homework in student achievement. This research, led by Professor Andrew Parnell, Nathan McJames and Professor Ann O’Shea, used a new AI model to analyze data from the “Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study” (TIMSS 2019).

Focusing on 4,118 Irish students in their second year of secondary school, the research assessed the effect of different homework methods on their maths and science performance.

A study titled, “Little and often: Causal learning demonstrates the benefits of homework for improving math and science achievement” was published in the journal. Learning and Discipline.

It provides new evidence on how the timing and duration of homework affect academic performance among Irish secondary school students.

Repeat for a long time

Research highlights that the frequency of homework is more important than its duration. Daily homework assignments were found to be most effective for improving math achievement, while science performance benefited most from homework that was assigned three to three times a day. four times a week.

Success of short shares

Short-term homework assignments, lasting 15 minutes, have been shown to be just as effective as longer assignments. This suggests that regular, short homework can promote learning without overburdening students.

Equity in benefits

Contrary to previous research, this study found that all students, regardless of socioeconomic background, benefited equally from homework, indicating equal benefits across the board. and different people. Researchers advocate homework strategies that prioritize regular, short-term assignments to improve student engagement and academic achievement without causing undue stress.

Nathan McJames, lead author, explained, “Our study provides strong evidence that regular homework can significantly improve student performance, especially when it is given ‘little and often’ . activities outside of school.”

Professor Andrew Parnell added, “Our use of sophisticated reasoning methods ensures the reliability of our findings. This research provides important information that can guide evidence-based policy changes in education, it ultimately helps students across the board.”

Additional information:
Nathan McJames et al, Little and often: Causal machine learning demonstrates the benefits of homework to improve math and science achievement, Learning and Discipline (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2024.101968

Provided by Maynooth University

Excerpt: Study reveals effect of homework on student achievement in math and science (2024, September 19) retrieved on September 19, 2024 from impact-homework-student-math.html

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